Hat. Toy Vault, the proud supplier of Monty Python thingamabobs and whirly jigs, announces the release of the ultra rare Black Beast of Arrggghhh hat. Long thought to be only an oral tradition, it was held that certain Scots, upon reaching the age of 19 years, 4 months, and 2.5 days, would mount an expedition to hunt the Black Beasts in the caves where they reside. If lucky enough to capture one, they remove the head, scoop out the brains and place the still warm cap upon their heads. Then, with the gooey bits dripping, they would proceed to dance traditional Scottish jigs around a roaring bonfire. While some refute this is a work of fiction, Toy Vault's crack research team spent many, many, many days going from pub to pub to unearth this proud Scottish tradition, and after awhile believed it to be entirely true.