By Fiona Avery, Billy Tan, Steve Firchow. The Concept: The Witchblade is a mystical weapon of great power. As ancient as it is deadly, the Witchblade has had many bearers, spanning both time and the globe. This Issue: In this special oversized one shot by Fiona Kai Avery and Billy Tan, discover the Witchblade as you've never seen it before. In the ancient lands of Japan, a woman called Shiori seeks revenge for the death of her lord and husband. On a dangerous journey toward a distant mountain, she must face commoners, bandits, demons and even gods. Deep within the mountain, guarded by fierce spirits of nature, Shiori will discover the Witchblade. But if revenge is in her heart, can she wield it? Recommended for readers and fans of No Honor, Lone Wolf & Cub, Bastard Samurai, and Akira Kurosawa films. FC, 80pg