By Various. The legislation has been passed. The battle lines have been drawn. The opening shots have been fired. Now, as the controversial Super Human Registration Act continues to divide America's super human community, go behind the lines of the Marvel Comics event! Featuring in-depth S.H.I.E.L.D. dossiers on the nation's most prominent super humans; behind-the-scenes coverage with CIVIL WAR planners Mark Millar and Steve McNiven; news, gossip, and opinions from the Daily Bugle, the very newspaper the citizens of the Marvel Universe read to keep informed; and more! Plus: a final analysis of CIVIL WAR, in addition to a complete checklist of all the upcoming CW collections! Collecting CIVIL WAR FILES, CIVIL WAR: BATTLE DAMAGE REPORT, MARVEL SPOTLIGHT: MARK MILLAR/STEVE MCNIVEN, MARVEL SPOTLIGHT: CIVIL WAR AFTERMATH and DAILY BUGLE: CIVIL WAR SPECIAL EDITION. 236 PGS./Rated T+