By Stuart Moore, Rob Williams, David Lapham, CP Smith, Laurence Campbell, David Aja. In "The Package," Logan must escape from an army of savage killers deep in the heart of war-torn Africa - with a baby strapped to his chest! In "Better To Give...," a heavily armed suicide cult - clad in elf outfits - has taken hostage a mid-Manhattan department store on Christmas Eve and is threatening to blow the place sky high. In "The House of Blood and Sorrow," Wolverine lies at the edge of death in a rural Nebraska cornfield after crashing to Earth in the wake of a clash with a giant robot at the edge of the atmosphere. And in "The Healing," Logan lies gutted in a Northwest forest, surrounded by wolves and clinging onto hope and sanity as his body goes about the complicated work of repairing itself. Collecting WOLVERINE 41 and 49, GIANT-SIZE WOLVERINE 1, and X-MEN UNLIMITED 12. 120 PGS/Parental Advisory