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 Welcome to SuperHero Weekend!
October 3rd & 4th, 2015!
Everyone is excited about Super Hero Weekend, Jane even dressed up!
Wonder Jane drawn by the always awesome Paige Braddock!
SuperHero Weekend! Join us October 3rd - 4th, 2015!! We are having a charity auction and other fun activities to benefit CASA SHaW in New Jersey! The event will take place between Noon - 5pm each day, with various events happening throughout the day! Planned events:
- Pose for pictures with AWESOME Super Heroes!
- Come meet writers and artists, buy signed prints or pick up a quick sketch!
- Cupcakes by The Mixing Bowl!
- Plenty of Kids Activities!
- Saturday will feature a Fire Truck from Flemington Fire Department!
OUR LOCATION! Comic Fusion 16 Turntable Jct Flemington, NJ 08822 908-788-0599
So what are you waiting for? Mark your calendar and come on out to join the FUN! And help raise money for SAFE in Hunterdon at the same time!
Reasons people came to Super Hero Weekend:
Bid on AWESOME Super Hero and Women of Wonder drawings by some of the best comic artists out there! Bidding ends Saturday October 3rd at 5PM!
Participate in our Superhero Raffle and WIN great prizes!
Come in COSTUME and take pictures with Super Heroes!
Super Hero Saturday we will have a FIRE TRUCK from Flemington Fire Department!
Meet many of our WONDERFUL writers and artists!
Have FUN and help out a WORTHY CHARITY at the same time!
Several artists are donating Sketches to be auctioned off, including:
Sketches from: Andrew Charipar, Bob Camp, Brendon and Brian Fraim, Chris Flick, Dave Proch, Dean Haspiel, Emilee Davis, Howie Noeldechen, Jay E. Fife, JK Woodword , Josh Logan, Josh Lyman, Lynne Yoshii, Mark Stegbauer, Michelle Delecki, Michelle Sciuto Neal Vokes and Tom Schloendorn, Paris Cullins, Paul Gould, Phil Sloan, Richard Clark, Ryan Fisher, Stephen Coughlin, Thomas Boatwright, Tim Yates, Tom Schloendorn and more to come!!
To see all the images up for auction, click here!
Comic Fusion would like to give special thanks to Beth Delaney, Kevin Ireland, Jesse Parrino, Alliance Game Distributors, DC Comics, Gabby's Pizza, The Mixing Bowl, and all the artists who have donated in the past and donating this year for all their help raising money for such a worthy cause!
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