What is The Fusion Club?

If you order the same comic books every month, then The Fusion Club is for you. This is our monthly subscription service where you tell us which comics you want to subscribe to and we automatically ship them to you every month. Simple, eh? Oh...and you also get a 20% discount off the retail price on all the comics you subscribe to!

To join The Fusion Club, Click on the 'Subscriptions' button, or Click Here and order the titles you would like to subscribe to.

Subscription lists are catagorized by publisher so click on the publisher to get a list of comics available for subscriptions for that publisher. The comics are listed in the drop-down box.

The price listed next to each title is the current per-issue subscription price for that title. This price reflects a 20% discount to the current cover price and is subject to change by the publisher. If they change the price for their comic book, the subscription price is automatically adjusted to maintain the 20% discount.

Your subscription will start with all issues published from the date you place your order. If you would like to start with a different issue number, please let us know.

Please note that not all comic books are published monthly. Some are published semi-monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or whenever the publisher feels like putting out an issue! With the subscription service, we will collect all of the issues that you subscribe to and ship them out at the end of the month, or the begining of the next month. We will charge your credit card for the issues we ship each month. Contact us if you would like your comics sent more frequently (weekly or bi-weekly).

Terms and Conditions

    There is no minimum number of comics to subscribe to and subscriptions can be canceled at anytime. If you do decide to cancel your subscriptions, you are responsible for the books we have on hold for you.

    If you don't see a title in the list, enter it in the comments section when you check out, or send us an e-mail

    We will send you an e-mail when your order ships with a list of comics that were shipped plus the total cost.

    The cost of your comics plus shipping will be charged automatically to your credit card each time we ship your comics.

    By joining The Fusion Club, you are committing to buy what has been put aside for you and authorizing Comic Fusion, Inc. to charge your credit card for each shipment of the comics that you subscribe to.

    All comics on your subscription list will receive a 20% discount and you will be eligible for Fusion Club Specials!

    If you want to make any changes to your subscription, please contact us.

    Terms and Conditions are subject to modification at any time.